Server Limitations
Table of Contents for this page:
Villager Limitations Chunk Limitations Activation Ranges Tracking Ranges Item Despawn Times Farm Limitations #1 Farm Limitations #2
Villager Limitations
Players are limited to 1 villager breeder in total.
No breeder should have/accumulate up to 15 villagers at any given moment. If your villager breeder will continuously run, you will need to find a way to toggle it on and off and only breed what you need.
Villagers should not be more than 35 in a single chunk at once.
When villagers are used for trading (i.e in a villager trading hall), they must either be on a Smooth Stone Block or an Emerald Block. Alternatively, you can rename it to one of the below entries. Only do this if you got the trade you want and or levelled it up to what you want. They should only be renamed or put onto the specific block IF they're done being messed with and only used for trading the block/item you chose.
What this does is it reduces the villagers AI to help on server resources. Otherwise, villagers are one of the main causes of server lag/degraded performance.
While the villagers are optimized they will not sleep in beds, breed while ai is disabled, take damage from zombies, or work as part of farms.
After removing a workstation, you will need to right click it once.
Chunk Limitations
You can have up to 256 tile entities in a chunk.
You can have up to 80 Hoppers in a chunk.
You can have up to 16 Beds in a chunk.
The following limitations are automatic:
There cannot be more than 40 "animals" inside the chunk at once.
There cannot be more than 200 "monsters" inside the chunk at once.
There cannot be more than 35 Villagers inside the chunk at once.
There cannot be more than 20 chickens inside the chunk at once.
Activation Ranges
animals: 16
monsters: 24
raiders: 48
miscellaneous: 8
water: 8
villagers: 16
flying-monsters: 32
Tracking Ranges
display: 128
players: 48
animals: 48
monsters: 48
miscellaneous: 32
other: 64
Item Despawn Times
All items despawn after 5 minutes in a loaded chunk. However, the following items despawn at 2.5 minutes due to the fact that these items are commonly dropped on the ground.
Farm Limitations #1
You are not allowed to auto farm.
This means auto-clickers, auto-afk fish farms, auto mining, ETC, is not allowed. You are allowed to make small scale farms that run while you are near it, however, you are not allowed to stack farms over a short area. Farms that produce goods on their own must be spread out throughout the world to reduce lag.
You are allowed simple automatic farms, such as pumpkin, sugar cane, ETC, but nothing huge where it's producing 100's-1000's of items in a short time span. Again, these farms also must not be stacked but spread out to help with performance.
Farm Limitations #2
No matter the size of your build, farm or other, you agree to take the server performance into consideration.
Staff have the right to ask you to remove a build or farm at any given moment. Failure to comply will result in a forceful removal of all builds in question.
Any mob farm / spawner system(s) must have a kill switch/system to prevent server lag.
We'd advise you not to build large redstone contraptions as it will most likely be asked of you too modify/remove it to reduce server lag. This includes, but isn't limited to, item sorters, redstone clocks and more.
Last updated